

时间: 2015-10-23      审核人:审核人参数配置未打开      来源:伟德国际1946源于英国

报告人:刘瑞杰 德国马普等离子体物理研究所 研究员

德国 KARLSRUHE 大学 工学博士


Self-organization in magnetic trap plasmas

报告时间:2015年10月27日 周二 上午10:00

报告地点:千佛山校区 教学二楼2215教室


The most important task for magnetic trap plasmas (fusion) is how to confine the high-temperature plasmas in the space-limited reactor as long as possible. Generally, the charged particles move alone the, magnetic lines helically, but at the same time there are also particles and energy which are transported from core outside to boundary. The best and most complete theory to gauge the transport speed (coefficients) in magnetically confined system is the Neoclassical Theory. However, it is found (experimentally) that the transport often exceeds Neoclassical expectations by an order of magnitude or more. This is the so called anomalous transport, which perplex the researchers since several decades. It is currently recognized that the anomalous transport is not caused by "collision effect", but by "collective effect". A totally different theory, other than the collision based Neoclassical Theory, will be needed for describing the collective behavior. The self-organization and dissipative structure might be the most attractive one. The basics and history of the self-organization and dissipative structure are introduced firstly in this report. The anomalous transport in magnetically confined plasmas is then pointed. Some significant achievements on this research field are shown. The unresolved problems are also discussed at end of the report.

刘瑞杰研究员简介, 1957年生于山东,1982 年 毕业于山东师大物理系,1988年于华东师大物理系获理学硕士学位, 1996年8月于德国 KARLSRUHE 大学获工学博士学位。1982年1月- 1990年2月于山东师大物理系任教,1999年9月于德国马普等离子体物理研究所工作至今。
